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Like 40 million+ other Americans, my partner Ken was unexpectedly laid off in the beginning of June. (and only a few days after selling his home and moving in with me!) Guess what his first question was after he got the news?
Ken: "Do you want to hike the Appalachian Trail?"
me: "Sure!" "Wait, did I miss something?"
A few weeks after this conversation we had plane tickets to Maine, a kitchen full of borrowed dehydrators working overtime on dried food, gear everywhere, and a task list a mile long. Oh, and a plan to figure most of it out from the 2200 miles of trail.
I worked my butt off to ensure we’ll have healthy protein and vegetable meals on the trail. Many thru hikers live on pop tarts and donuts but I wouldn’t get very far on that diet! These don’t look like much now, but they’ll be delicious.
It's interesting how life can flip on a dime and throw you curveballs when you least expect them. Here I thought we were settling in to experience cohabitating… in a house. Instead the universe decided we should do that in a small tent in the woods, for 5-6 months.
If you’ve been following my blog or social media, you already know I thrive in nature.
Since I moved to Seattle over 20 years ago, I’ve regularly hiked in the nearby mountains. I find inspiration in the act of walking. It gives me time to think and visualize how the surrounding flora and fauna represent the emotions created by life’s roller coaster.
4 years ago I backpacked the Wonderland Trail (100 mile loop around Mt Rainier) with 3 amazing women. Since then I’ve been hooked and every summer go on a trip with my Wonderkrew. We’ve shared countless memories and I’ve learned a ton from these ladies. You can read about one of our adventures here.
A view of a trail in the North Cascades from last summer with the Wonderkrew - so beautiful!
It’s such a strange and overwhelming time in the world. As the pandemic continues, and the depth of inequality comes to light, it seems like an important time for reflection. I’m looking forward to having this time to walk and think and gather inspiration for future art. I’m incredibly grateful that we can do this, that we have a big supportive network of friends and family, and the ability to be flexible and spontaneous. Not to mention the mental aptitude to turn lemons into lemonade.
Here’s us ready to hit the trail with fancy tree themed masks made by my amazing mom, Judy.
So for the next several months, I’ll try to give updates when I can. We’ll hit towns from time to time (a girl’s gotta shower!) and I’ll have sporadic cell reception.
In the meantime, I’m leaving my business in the extremely capable hands of Sarah Selman. Sarah is a delightful person (my younger sister and the Golden Child in our family!) and I’m confident she’ll make jewelry and Bitty Bowl shopping a fun and memorable experience. But I’m kind of throwing her in the fire without much training so please be patient!
Sarah rocking all the CG jewels!
As I navigate life in the woods, I look forward to sharing inspiration and curiosities.
March 07, 2021
Mike and I have dreams of this trail and the PCT! I’m getting shivers just reading about your plans!
March 07, 2021
So excited for this dream to come true!
March 07, 2021
What an amazing opportunity! Wow! Super excited to hear about it and then see the new art this adventure will inspire. Thank you for sharing with us all so that we can experience a part of it virtually. ❤️
March 07, 2021
What an adventure! You’re living life to the fullest and your way! Looking forward to following along and sending you positive vibes for an inspirational journey, Katie! Sarah’s got you!
March 07, 2021
I’m so proud of you! Look at all that food you made! Can’t wait to read updates and see photos of the east coast flora. Love you to bits! oxoxo
March 07, 2021
Sounds exciting and exhausting. Hope your adventure is wonderful! Looking forward to seeing pix. Stay safe XO Aunt Kathy
March 07, 2021
You should be so proud of taking this leap. Please keep us updated with stories and photos so we can travel along vicariously. And nice to know Sarah will keep things humming while you’re away. Can’t wait to see what you art and jewelry you create from your Appalachian Trail adventures. Safe and fun travels!
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20 music box sculpture designs telling the stories that make a house a home. Originally displayed in a larger art installation titled Constructing Deconstruction, each individual box is only available in an edition of 10.
Sally Anne Kaiser
March 07, 2021
Sounds very exciting. I am jealous. I am your mom’s old stewardess roommate. I still love hiking but with my knee replacement I guess I wouldn’t get very far. Have fun!