Mother's Day necklace give away

1 min read 29 Comments

Win this necklace for your mom! Or for yourself, to wear as a memento of your mom. Or congratulate yourself for being a great mom!

In the spirit of my Mom's generosity and support, I'm giving this necklace to someone on Monday, May 2nd.

Enter a comment below with a favorite memory, appreciation, or whatever gratitude you'd like to express for your mom. Or perhaps something you appreciate about being a mom. One lucky commenter will be chosen at random.

sterling silver and chalcedony

sterling silver and chalcedony


29 Responses

Catherine Grisez

March 07, 2021

You my friend, are an excellent mom!

Catherine Grisez

March 07, 2021


Catherine Grisez

March 07, 2021

Such a sweet story. Congratulations Carol! Your name was picked from the hat – you win!

Catherine Grisez

March 07, 2021

great wisdom!

Catherine Grisez

March 07, 2021

Clearly you take after your mom!

Catherine Grisez

March 07, 2021

Love that!

Catherine Grisez

March 07, 2021

Congrats on your ever expanding family! I bet you are a fantastic grandma!

Catherine Grisez

March 07, 2021

Such a great story!

Catherine Grisez

March 07, 2021

Loved reading your Mom stories, appreciations, and humor! Thank you so much for sharing. Congratulations to Carol, who’s name was picked from the hat to win the necklace!


March 07, 2021

Like to have one

kathy vetos

March 07, 2021

Yeah Moms!


March 07, 2021

I was at comedy show with my mom last night. Our friend, Diane Amos was performing. My mom told me a story that had me howling with laughter. She said that when I was about 12 years old she and Diane were taking me in the car somewhere that I didn’t want to go and I was a being super pouty spoiled brat about it. She said I rolled down the window and started screaming, "help, help! I’m being kidnapped! Help, help!" She said they had to pull the car over because they were laughing so hard.
My mom is the absolute best because she’s freaking hilarious, and she doesn’t take life too seriously.

Leslie Nicola

March 07, 2021

My comment is about how blessed I am to have my three children and seven grandchildren in my life. Sure, there have been trying times (Scott and Ben!), but I wouldn’t trade one moment of it for all the gold in the land. Now that I am older, I realize that as a mom and grandma, I helped mold these little (and big) lives into loving and caring human beings. They all turned out okay. And in my eyes that is God’s blessing to me.


March 07, 2021

My mom always likes to point out that mom upside down is wow. Wow is an accurate description for her because she amazes me with her energy – nothing seems to slow her down.

Julie Grisez

March 07, 2021

So difficult to choose one thing about my mom, who is more than just an amazing mom but an all-around great person! What comes to mind is the way she always makes people feel welcome, important and free to share. She listens, really listens and wants to do what she can for others. I’m an only child so I’m feeling so blessed that my son gets to have her as his grandma (or "May" as he calls her).

Alison post

March 07, 2021

I remember finding my mom crying one afternoon. She was up in her room reading and it was the first time I had ever seen her cry. I felt I had caught her in a very private moment and I somehow knew it had nothing to do with her as my mom but as a person in her own right. its so easy to lose ourselves as mothers, to have an identity separate from our kids. I am glad now to have glimpsed that bit of my mom – a little nugget that inspires me to keep a kernel of myself in tact.


March 07, 2021

My mom was so special to me. She always gave willingly, unselfishly, and with generous love to her family.

Danielle VenHuizen

March 07, 2021

I appreciate my mom for all the sacrifices she made for us. I never fully appreciated them until I became a mom.

Jen Nye

March 07, 2021

My appreciation for my mom grows with each passing day. She just moved out of my immediate reach and I’m having a tough time dealing without the easy access to her companionship. I can feel the tears coming just thinking about how much I love her. She’s an angel and my rock, and oh… I should mention she took me to my first concert—Iron Maiden and Judas Priest, just to give ya an idea how cool she is too.

Lisa B

March 07, 2021

My Mom is nearly 96, 3000 miles away, and always in my thoughts. I’m not sure she’d wear a necklace, but I’m sure she’d be happy if I had such a beautiful one to match my lovely CGD earrings. :)

Antonia koenig

March 07, 2021

May I have a therapy session first?


March 07, 2021

My mom will forever remain my touchstone in life. A favorite memory is from one very hot and muggy Michigan summer night. No one in our family could sleep so my mom had us pull out mattresses into the yard with the hope that the slightest breeze would help us sleep. I don’t recall that pulling all the mattresses was at all difficult or made us hotter. Perhaps it was the novelty of sleeping outside that motivated the 7 of us. I do remember lots of giggling at first and then stillness. And that was my mom. No matter how tired she was she still found a way to expand our lives.


March 07, 2021

Hey, I’m a decent mom – I deserve that :)
Love it!


March 07, 2021

Thanks for all your positive Mom vibes Catherine! Those who have moms, please celebrate the heck out of them! oxoxoxo


March 07, 2021

Yesterday was my late mom’s birthday. She was funny and silly. She loved ice cream and dumb jokes. She had a lot of struggles and challenges in her life, and those affected me and my brother. She did the best she could. I miss her.


March 07, 2021

A shout out to all the fabulous Moms out there! Feeling grateful for my Mom’s unending love and support. And……wow, that Kt that necklace is gorgeous! Your talent in making art is amazing!

Sarah Selman

March 07, 2021

Beautiful necklace! Mother’s Day will have a whole new meaning for me this year. I am a new mom of a three month old, and I couldn’t be happier! I now have a new appreciation for everything my mom did to raise 5 kids. Looking forward to being celebrated and celebrating my amazing mother!

Aaron Crosleycone

March 07, 2021


Erica Gordon

March 07, 2021

As a mom myself, I now appreciate so much all the time my mom spent in the summer, (she was a high school french teacher, summers off) taking us to hang out at the county pool all day, making us yummy food, bringing us to museums, generally educating us on the beauty in life.

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